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Sort Recently Contacted Yahoo! Messenger Contacts in Windows 7

By Codrut Nistor

Posted in How-to, Software, Windows-7

When Yahoo! Messenger chat application is installed it is by default configured to display all the names in the messenger list in the alphabetical order according to the names of the added friends. This configuration helps users find their friends from the list easily and quickly. However in many cases users may want to modify the order in which the friends appear in the list according to the activities in which their friends have been involved. In simpler words Yahoo! Messenger can be configured to display the users added in the messenger list according to the recent communications which took place between the two parties. This helps them identify as with which user they interacted most recently and who can be left at the least priority when categorization of the preferred users is required. As a Yahoo! Messenger user in Windows 7 if you want to do so you can follow the steps provided as below:

  1. Logon to Yahoo! Messenger application by providing appropriate credentials.

  2. On the main interface of the application click on the downward facing triangle next to Contacts option.

  3. From the available list click on Sort by Recent Activityoption to select it.

  4. Once selected all the contacts in the messenger list will automatically be categorized according to the recent activities.