Rename VPCS Simulated Computers
Although Virtual PC Simulator does not offer graphical user interface and neither it supports all the commands that a full-fledged computer accepts. However there are few things which are still required if a computer wants to participate in Cisco network environment. PC name is yet another such type of requirement. This means that if a user is not able to change a PC name even if it is a simulated computer he will always get confused during the configurations. Developers of Virtual PC Simulator understand this and therefore they allow users to modify the default name of simulated virtual PCs if required. Name of the selected virtual PC cannot be more than 6 characters though. Set command is used to change the name of simulated virtual PC. As a user if you want to modify the name you need to follow the steps given below:
- Logon to the computer and open the extracted folder where VPCS files are kept.
- Double click on VPCS.exe file and wait for the prompt to appear.
- Once VPCS is ready to accept the commands from you type the number of the simulated machine name of which you want to modify and press enter key.
- On the available prompt type the following command to rename VPCS:
set pcname DenPC (press enter key)