RapidShare Alternative Of the Week - Wikisend
Today's RapidShare alternative has nothing to do with the notorious Wikipedia except that its name can't remind you of anything else. On the other hand Wikisend gets the job done properly so I can't think about them as another service using a name that may draw a bit of attention just to fail miserably when it comes to the real thing. These being said let's take a closer look at it shall we?
The story around Wikisend goes like this: maximum file size is 100 MB there's no need to create an account if you just want to send a file to someone if you want to modify your file's properties later you'll need to create a free account life of your files on the server can be manually set between 1 and 90 days (the official mumbo-jumbo goes like this:"Please note that files with 1 to 7 days lifetime will have primary status and full speed accessibility while 8-90 days lifetime files will have secondary or archive status and half-speed accessibility.") the speed of the service is pretty good and... what else do you want to know?
Sure I know some may say there's no FTP support no advanced security features and so on but who needs them? After all you get no captchas no ads no countdowns... just a straightfoward RapidShare alternative that gets the job done as it should. To me Wikisend's just great so this is where this short article ends. If you think otherwise feel free to drop a comment. Obviously if you agree with me and want to comment there's no problem with that! ;)