Opening Multiple Windows Explorer Windows in Windows 7
While working with Windows 7 there may be times when as a user you need to open several Windows Explorer Windows simultaneously. When this is the case under normal conditions you need to go to My Computer (Windows XP) or Computer (Windows Vista or Windows 7) icon and double-click on it every time you need to open a new Windows Explorer. However many users do not know that this task can be done even easily by using the shortcut keys. This method is more useful for the users who are not quite comfortable with the mouse and have good hands on the keyboards. If you are such user and you want to expedite the task of opening multiple Windows Explorer Windows at the same time you are required to follow the steps given below:
Logon to Windows 7 computer with any account (no elevated privileges are required).
To open a new Windows Explorer window press Windows key + Eon the keyboard.
To open another Windows Explorer window press the above combination again.
Note: By following the above three steps you will notice that you can open several Windows at the same time and that too very quickly.