How to Speed up Your PC, part II
Welcome back folks; let’s go straight forward to the work ;)
Hack 4: Virtual Memory
Virtual memory is a part which the system takes from the hard disk to use it as a RAM to speed the system performance but unfortunately the OS takes time in the background to select the size of the virtual memory which the application needs to work smoothly which delays opening the application so the best solution for that is selecting a fixed part from the hard disk to use as virtual memory.
Step 1: “My Computer” right click on it and select “properties”.
Step 2: Click on “Advanced” tab and click on “Setting” of “performance”.
Step 3: Click on “Advanced” and click “Change” button.
Step 4: Uncheck “Automatically manage paging file size for all files”.
Step 5: select “No paging file” and then click “Set”.
Step 5: Select the part of the hard disk that the system will deal with it as a virtual RAM select “Custom size” then in the “Initial size” label insert the amount of space that you want to use as a virtual memory. Don’t forget: 1 GB = 1024 MB. In “Maximum Size” label insert the maximum size that windows can use as a virtual memory from this drive.
Step 6: Restart your machine.
Hack 5: Make use of the max power of your physical RAM
As I’ve show you that using virtual memory can speed your OS performance but there is an important fact that processing the data at the physical RAM is much better and faster than virtual memory so it’s better to make use of the max power of your physical RAM so to do that follow the steps.
Disclaimer: Before doing this hack keep in mind that it may cause system failure! This means that you have a problem in your hardware or in your OS data I strongly recommended creating a restore point before performing this trick.
Step 1: Start->Run-> type “msconfig” then press enter.
Step 2: select “System .ini” and expand the “36enh” group by clicking on (+).
Step 3: Click “New” type in the empty box
Step 4: Click “Ok” then restart your computer.
Hack 6: Disable some useless windows services
Windows contain a lot of services which most of you will never use they just slow down your OS performance. I’ll list some of the useless services that you can disable. Creating a restore point before performing this trick is highly recommended.
Step 1: Start-> Run -> Type “services.msc”
Step 2: To disable a service double click on it and at startup menu change it to “Disabled”.
Step 3: Click “Ok” and restart your computer.
And here are some of useless services which you can disable:
- Alerter
- Distributed link tracking clint
- Help and support
- Indexing service ( which we have previously mentioned in part I )
- IPES Service
- Messenger
- Netmeeting Remote Desktop sharing
- Portable Media Serial Number
- Remote Registry
- Secondary logon
- Server
- SSDP Discovery Service
- TCP/IP Net BIOS helper
- Telnet
- Upload manager
- Wireless Zero configuration
That’s it for now but we will continue in: How to Speed up Your PC part III