How to reset security settings in Windows XP
Everybody wants to tweak their systems to be secured. But what if something goes wrong? And you don't want/can reinstall Windows Xp because it takes too much time and you need your computer to be up and running in a couple of minutes. There is a simple solution and a more complicated one. The simple solution is to restore your Windows from a backup. If you didn't made one you should try the complicated one.
You can reset the security settings in two simple steps. Let me show you how. First open a new command prompt window. After that type exactly this command: secedit /configure /cfg %windir%repairsecsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose. After you execute it you will receive a message that the task is completed but you will also see a warning message. Just ignore it.
You should know that after you reset the security settings the standard user accounts are removed from the Users group. This is  why now we will have add the standard accounts to the Users group. Open a new command prompt window. For every standard account that is missing from the log on or switch user screen you should type the following command: net localgroup users accountname /add.
That's it. Next time play safely :)