Free Kindle for PC
Amazon's Kindle is considered by many people to be an outstanding device and even I although I can't say I am crazy about the concept would surely go for a Kindle instead of a library full of books if I'd be forced to move around a lot. In the end the only problem I have with the Kindle is the price of most books available for it often only a few dollars lower than the one of the printed copy. Sure the device doesn't come for free either but if you have a PC and want to try the Kindle experience I just found something simply great...
... namely the Kindle for PC software application! Coming inside a 9 MB package our Kindle for PC here works with Windows 7 Vista and XP doesn't require a Kindle and it even offers access to your Kindle books providing automatic synchronization and a bunch of other features that you also get from the hardware device itself.
What I really loved to discover is the availability of some books priced at $0.00 the ease of use of this program and the fact that it only seems to need about 15 MB of your computer's memory. Since it comes for free... I think my part is over already. Go ahead and grab Kindle for PC enjoy some quality books and maybe you'll also decide to get the real thing after that. Good luck and have a pleasant read! ;)