File Conversion, As Easy As It Gets!
I hate file converters. Do you really want to know why? First it's because those junky converters available for ridiculous prices and full of spyware and second there's also that file formats support part - no need to get into this deeper because that would surely raise my blood pressure! Instead I will give you a convenient way to convert most popular files to various formats without having to install anything. Sounds like a deal? It surely is I tell you! ;)
The deal goes like this - you go to Zamzar Beta select the files to convert choose the output format(a lot of popular ones available such as 3GP AVI FLV MP3 HTML RTF and so on) enter your email address press the Convert button and then wait. Then you wait some more. Depending on the size of the files and the speed of your Internet connection you may even leave the computer and go for a walk... or for a vacation if you want to convert a 100MB MOV file to AVI and you're still using a modem or dialup connection for example (for larger files and some extra features you will have to get a paid account)! >:)
How does it end? You get an email with the link to the converted file... or one with an error message if something goes wrong! I saw both of them but I can't say what was wrong with the file that wasn't converted... so anyway if you're one of those who aren't exactly converting 100GB of data daily and your connection can live up to your upload/download needs generated by Zamzar I think you should give this tool a try!