Create a HTML Signature For Your Emails
If you want to create a corporate-style signature for your emails/forum profiles/any website that allows it you don't need to call any of those HTML gurus you know and ask this from them since the free Signature Generator I discovered earlier today can handle this task for you in just a few minutes. Signature Generator - (Almost) As easy as it getsI know the image above may not show too much so here you have the official mumbo-jumbo: "Fill out the fields on the left (Leave any blank that you would like to skip) then press the remove Empty button. Next step is to copy paste this to your email client signature text box." While it is recommended to use Firefox or Chrome I created a few signatures in Maxthon and everything worked like a charm.
I guess that may not be the best Signature Generator out there but it's flexible enough free very easy to use and in the end if you want to mess with your signature a bit more you can always edit the resulting signature manually. For example if you want to add more companies to your signature you just need to edit the HTML code you have just generated. Unfortunately it also seems that the Copy-Paste procedure can get a bit tricky but I hope you'll get it right - you just need to view the source find the line with the "copy-preview" text and then grab the whole code beneath it that contains your signature - maybe it works easier for others but that's how it worked for me... ;)